Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shaping the Steel

What does a man do when confronted by his fears, worries and dreams in this day and age?

He starts a blog and whines about it.

I don't intend for this blog to become anymore than a sounding board for yours truly. The idea is that it will help me with my writing skills and become a sink to drain my anxieties. Maybe it'll attract readers, maybe it won't. That's not the point. This is for yourself, from yourself.

Of course that doesn't mean comments and criticisms won't be welcome. You don't have much choice in that matter once something exists on the internet. Ever been on Youtube? Nothing is sacred there.

Lets see how far this thing goes.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't wish youtube-esque comments on anyone. Eugh. It's almost the new Gaia. Almost. Only Gaia can still match Gaia in terms of terrible post quality. Now I'm rambling. Welcome to the interbutts and blogosphere! (I think blogosphere is kind of a silly term, but whatever, I'm using it!)
